Below are some of the most common questions users have about Calculist. Don't see the answer to your question? Use our contact form to reach out.

  • Calculist is priced at $500 a year per attorney user, which is a user whose name appears on documents. Support staff users are free. You can sign up at any time of the year.

  • You can generate Form 1 and Form 2 for Child Support Guidelines, Step Down versions of those forms, a Summary document for the Guidelines, along with Financial Affidavits and Division Worksheets.

  • Calculist currently serves Iowa only.

  • Your annual fee covers unlimited cases. Generate as many as you want.

  • Yes, Calculist allows you to store as many versions of a case as you like and keep them organized in your cases list.

  • Calculist is cloud-based, so you can access it using a tablet or computer anywhere you have an internet connection. For the best experience, we recommend using an up-to-date internet browser.

  • The short answer is no, we don’t offer refunds for Calculist. This protects the work we’ve done to create the software and is fair to our loyal members. If you have questions about whether Calculist is right for you before signing up, please email support@calculist.app.

  • You’ll need a decent internet connection and a modern browser. Specifically, we recommend the latest version of Google Chrome for the best experience possible, but the latest versions of Edge, Safari and Firefox will also work.

    You’ll also need to have cookies and javascript enabled.